The Benefits of Private Limited for Annual Filing in Chennai
Getting a private limited company registered in Chennai is a relatively easy task. The process is governed by the Companies Act, 2013, which lays down the guidelines for registration of a business. Once you have incorporated your business, it is important to keep all the documentation up to date and follow the annual compliances to ensure the safety of your business.
Every private limited company must file an annual return within sixty days of its Annual General Meeting. Failure to do so can result in huge penalties. In addition, a company's name can be removed from the register of companies if a director fails to file a return. This also means that directors will be barred from taking part in future business transactions.
In addition, the private limited company must submit its annual financial statement to the Registrar of Companies. This is necessary in order to comply with the requirement of the Companies Act of 2013. The financial statements must be filed in the prescribed format. The company must also report on its directorships in other companies.
If the total authorized share capital of the private limited company is less than twenty-five lakh rupees, there is no need for a formal audit. However, all private limited companies must maintain their statutory registers, including a register of shareholders, minutes of meetings, a record of beneficial owners and a ROC file. The company must also keep its sanctioned books of accounts in a safe and secure manner.
A company must also hold an Annual General Meeting at its registered office. The meeting must take place during business hours, on a day that is not a public holiday. If the meeting is held after working hours, it must be done with 21 days' notice.
A company's Board of Directors is responsible for presenting a true financial position to the shareholders. Every year, the directors must give a written declaration to the company. In addition, all directors must receive a digital signature certificate from an authorised agency. The director's name must be mentioned on the residential proof, such as a telephone bill or a bank statement. The directors must also provide a copy of their passport size photo. The authorised agency must verify the signature and the digitally signed documents.
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