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How To Select Online Subsidiary Company Registration Consultants in India?
If you are planning to set up a subsidiary company in India, you need to have a minimum of two shareholders. There is no restriction on the residency status of the shareholders, and they can be either individuals or entities. The name of the Indian subsidiary can be the same as that of the parent company, with the addition of "India". However, it is imperative that the name does not conflict with any existing entity or is otherwise unsuitable under Indian law.
When starting a subsidiary company in India, make sure to choose a name that is not in conflict with trademarks or any other company. Digital signatures, which are signatures in digital form, are required to be provided at different stages of the process. You can get a digital certificate from a competent authority in India. It will require video verification of the signatory. The name of the subsidiary must be unique and not conflict with any other company.
To establish a subsidiary in India, it is essential to comply with the laws of the country you are investing in. To establish a company in India, you must choose a legal entity. Foreign investors can choose an Indian subsidiary or create several subsidiaries. Once you have decided on the legal entity for the Indian subsidiary, you need to decide whether to set up one or many. The legal entity for the subsidiary must be able to respect the laws of the country in which it is headquartered.
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